Tired of this S**t Yet?
At what point to we say, “enough is enough”. Debt is destroying the lives of people throughout the world and economies are built on the continuous issuance of debt. Every dollar in our economy was created by someone taking out a loan. See here. How much debt is too much? When will we have had enough? Will we ever see that we must take actions into our own hands if this shit is ever going to stop? Let’s look at two types of debt that are destroying lives; student loans and medical debt.
Student Loans
“The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7
Lending Tree provides us with statistics that you can see here. To hell with the statistics. Those are just numbers but behind those numbers are people, and if the “borrower is slave to the lender”, why in hell would you make loans available to 18 year old kids that have no job unless you’d like to create slaves; see Proverbs 22:7 again. To add insult to injury, these kids are borrowing money that is very difficult to write off in bankruptcy. Have fun reading this bullshit.
Then there’s there’s student loan forgiveness, as if you committed a sin an need God to forgive you. Have some more fun reading how being a indentured servant is required for the gods to forgive you for your sin. Let’s take a look at a couple of these “approved” way the gods are offering:
If you’re a teacher, so long as you work in the schools they want you to for five complete years in a low income school
Public Service Loan Forgiveness - “If you’re employed by a government or not-for-profit organization, you might be eligible for the PSLF Program. Have at it here.
If you’re a government employee.
If you’re a nurse, doctor, or other medical professional
If you have a disability - they are so kind.
There’s more and you can read them here, in case you missed the link above when the gods were willing to forgive you for your sin.
Medical Debt
Then, there’s medical debt, the leading cause of bankruptcy in America. I’ll write about a few, but check out more US Medical Bankruptcy Statistics here.
According to the article linked above, “In America, medical bills are the most common reason for bankruptcy.” It goes on to say 17% of adults with health care debt had to declare bankruptcy or lose their home because of it in 2022. In their key takeaways section, “66.5% of bankruptcies are caused directly by medical expenses, making it the leading cause of bankruptcy. Just as debt is a major cost of inflation, I personally believe that healthcare insurance is a key contributor to medical care being as high as it is. The focus has been on the cost of healthcare insurance rather than the cost of healthcare. There are places where healthcare providers do not accept insurance and the cost is significantly lower and the prices are told to you upfront. The Surgery Center of Oklahoma is an example. Check them out, https://surgerycenterok.com.
The article goes on to give 5 Tips To Protect Yourself from Medical Bankruptcy. The most important, they list as number five, Prioritize your health. Why is that not number 1? Medical emergencies can happen, and sometimes they can’t be avoided. Emergencies such as a car accident, a weather event, and other acts of nature. With that said, we have to be honest with ourselves. Are we overweight? Do we eat bad food? Do we like to smoke and drink? Are we willing to say no to those things and get ourselves healthy? That’s an individual choice and the one choice that will reduce our need for sick care.
At some point, we have to say enough is enough. No longer will we be slaves and we are building a community to fight back. In this community we will Crowdfund to eliminate each others debt and we will learn that everything that is funded with debt, as a primary source, will continuously rise in cost. The debt IS the cause. If you’d like to learn more about this community and how to get involved, contact us by clicking the button below. You are also welcome to leave comments. If you are rude, your comment will simply be deleted.